Stat Block
This block provides a simple way to present one or several numbers or percentages as circular graphs. The block is actually composed of a container which can house up to 4 stats. Each stat has two circle bars which can be given a separate fill percentages and colors for comparative values.
Stat Fields
- Number is the main piece of content and is treated like a header, in terms of scale and font.
- Opening/Closing text these are two pieces of text that appear above and below the number. These should be short descriptions such as years (1982, 1993, 1984) or figure designations such as ( a. b. c., i. ii. iii.).
Stat Options
- Number Size represents how large the number appears relative to header sizes, 1 being the largest, 4 being the smallest.
- Bottom/Top Circle Fill: Correspond to the outlines of the circle graph, each of which can fill from zero to one hundred percent clockwise starting from the topmost position.
- Color Options: Each circle outline can be given a color based on the site theme.
Container Fields
- Caption is optional but provides an area to house text that speaks to all of the contained stats.
Container Options
- Number of Stats allows you to display 1 to 4 stats.
Layouts Options
- Similarly to an image The Stats Block can be floated to the left or right. And if supported by the site theme. Given wide alignment to scale past the site margins.