Image Guidelines
Saving your images
In general, you should try to keep your images below 250kb, or as low as possible without sacrificing image quality.
The newer versions of Photoshop CC have two options for exporting: Generator and Save for Web and Devices (the older version). Save for Web and Devices gives you tighter control over the file size—so for now, we still recommend using that to export your images. But you may find Generator works just fine and keeps your file sizes under the 250kb recommendation as well. Try both and see which you like best.
Unless you need transparency or animation, stay away from .gif and .png formats. Stick with .jpg.
If you’re having trouble getting your image to 250kb without sacrificing quality, try saving it out at the lowest possible value and run the image through ImageOptim. ImageOptim is an easy-to-use compression service that won’t affect image quality but will reduce file size. Just drag your image in and it will compress!
Banner Images
Banner images will be cropped automatically on upload for desktop and mobile devices. Images should be under 250KB and at least 3840 by 2048 pixels, with the focal point of the image in the vertical and horizontal center. Use this Photoshop template as a guide.
To learn more about banners and layout options, please visit the Banners section of this site.