
What are widgets?

Widgets are an easy way to bring things like posts, your navigation, or custom text into your sidebar or footbar. You can add widgets through the Customizer by going to Appearance > Customizer, where you can see a live preview of your widget, or you can do it the old fashioned way by going to Appearance > Widgets.

Learn more about widgets

Where can I put widgets?

Widgets go into sidebars. This theme supports several sidebars:

  • The footbar, which shows across the entire site at the bottom of the page
  • The main sidebar, which shows on the default page template across the site
  • The homepage sidebar, which appears next to “Latest News” and shows only on the homepage
  • The posts sidebar, which appears below a post by default
  • The profiles sidebar, which appears below a profile by default

Widgets supported in this theme

Content Navigation: Navigation list of your site’s pages. It’s best to keep this widget at the top of your sidebar.
  • Site: Will always display the full site navigation, from the very top. Not recommended.
  • Section: Displays the navigation based on the section you’re in. This is the most common pattern for secondary navigation on the web. Recommended.
  • Adaptive: Will adjust the navigation display based on whether or not the current page has child pages. If it has child pages, the current page will act like the section title, and you will not see any other pages on the same level. If it doesn’t, it will act like a link and you will see pages on the current level in the navigation. Because you have to carefully monitor how child pages are used to prevent a “jumpy” feeling in the navigation, this option is generally not recommended unless you have training in information architecture.

Archives: A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.

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BU Posts: Widget for displaying posts.
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BU Text: Widget for adding markup to a sidebar for a single page or a section. This is an especially good one for adding custom callouts on various pages or sections, such as application callouts with different links for undergraduates and graduates. You can also use this widget to only show something in the sidebar on a certain page. Accepts shortcodes.
BU Text Reprint: Reprint page-specific content from an existing BU Text instance.
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Calendar: Widget for displaying calendar events.
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Categories: A list or dropdown of categories.
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Custom menu: Add a custom menu to your sidebar.
RSS: Entries from any RSS or Atom feed. See a list of available BU RSS feeds here.
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Text: Arbitrary text or HTML. Occasionally good for adding things like tracking codes sitewide.