Carousels & Sliders

The Screen Options allow you to choose which dashboard metab...

Recommendation: Do not use sliders or carousels.

Sliders are a poor design choice for several reasons. “Banner blindness” is one of those reasons; if your slider contentContent consists of text, images, headings, and other inform... looks too much like an advertisement, users are more likely to ignore it. Additionally, if the slider automatically rotates, this significantly reduces the accessibilityAccessibility, when discussing the web, is the practice of b... of your site. The content flashes and disappears too quickly, making the user annoyed and more likely to skip over the content, since they don’t have enough time to read it.

Content doesn’t need to move automatically. Static images are a better, more accessible alternative. Keep your content fresh by updating it regularly, and use promotional spaces to highlight important secondary content below the banner area.

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