Devl (Development)

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The developmentDuring the development phase, your site (or new feature) is ... environment—or devl for short—is an environment that project team members use to test and write code before it is ready for productionProduction is a general term for the two client-facing envir.... This environment includes sandboxes as well as a number of test environments. One thing that makes development environments special is that you can upload changes directly to them, which makes writing code faster for our teamInteractive design is part of Boston University’s award-wi... members. Once we’re confident that we’ve written great code that is ready for production, we request a deployDeploying simply means to push changes or updates from one e..., which allows you to see it in either stagingStaging is how we refer to the environment that holds our we... or liveLive is how we refer to the environment that holds our live ....

The most important thing to know is that you can never export or clone from a development environment to production environments, such as live and staging. All contentContent consists of text, images, headings, and other inform... work must be done in production.