
The Screen Options allow you to choose which dashboard metab...


A release  A release is a set of code changes that has been t... is a set of code changes that has been tested, verified, and is ready to go to productionProduction is a general term for the two client-facing envir.... Releases often mark major sets or updates to functionalityFunctionality is a very general term we use to describe any ... in a themeA WordPress theme is a collection of files, including PHP, C... or pluginA plugin is a type of functionality that can be turned on or.... In mature, actively developed themes and plugins, such as BU Banners or ResponsiveA framework speeds up the development process of a website. ... FrameworkA framework speeds up the development process of a website. ..., all code changes are managed as releases so that it is easy to roll back a deployDeploying simply means to push changes or updates from one e... if necessary. In brand new themes, we typically forgo the release process since the site isn’t liveLive is how we refer to the environment that holds our live ... yet. This keeps theme developmentDuring the development phase, your site (or new feature) is ... speedy.

In a multiphase project, a release is often used to describe a set of functionality we are planning to incorporate down the road. For example, you may say that release 1 will focus on contentContent consists of text, images, headings, and other inform... and photographyBoston University Photography provides a variety of resource... updates, while release 2 will focus on adding a custom filter.

Releases come in three categories, which impact their naming convention. You don’t necessarily need to know the difference between these unless you are a developer.

  • Major: you’re adding significant new functionality that may include breaking changes
  • Minor: you’re adding functionality, but it does not include any breaking changes
  • Patch: you’re fixing a bug

See for the technical details for release naming.