
The Screen Options allow you to choose which dashboard metab...

A WordPress themeA WordPress theme is a collection of files, including PHP, C... is a collection of files, including PHP, CSSCSS is a programming language that we use to "style" a web p..., and JavaScript, that work together to produce a website, usually with an underlying unified design and functionalityFunctionality is a very general term we use to describe any .... It modifies the way the site is displayed and designed but also how contentContent consists of text, images, headings, and other inform... is entered, without modifying the underlying core programming of WordPress. When you go through the process of a website redesign, in most cases, you will be working with a project team who will help you achieve your goals by building a custom theme.

See What a Custom Theme Looks Like

The most recent demonstrations of custom themes are available on the Responsive Framework demo website, underneath “See it in action.”

Benefits of Custom Themes

Themes contain code that influences both design and functionality, changing it based on the templates and plugins you are using. This is different from a custom CSSA type of website design process that only focuses on change... site, which truly is only changing the look and feel of the website. One benefit of a custom theme is that with the right planning, it can be used on multiple websites easily. Custom CSS can only be used on the website it is written on.

Using a Custom Theme on Multiple Websites

Themes are highly customized to project goals, budget, and timeline, and they often have content requirements that are specific to that project that make it challenging to just “turn on” a theme on a different website than it was originally designed for. If you anticipate the need to use a theme on multiple websites, let your account executiveAccount management manages relationships and projects with c... know so the project team can plan and build for that while your custom theme is being designed and developed.


Posted 5 years ago