How do I…

Need help? Start here! We’ve linked to a number of resources around the university for common WordPress questions.
Add a callout to my sidebar
Add a map to my page
Add a profile
Add a utility navigation
Add an address to the footer
Add an image or gallery
Add BU Calendar to my site
Add Share buttons
Add social links to the footer
Add widgets to the footbar
Attend a BU Brand 101 Workshop
Attend a WordPress training
Change a page URL
Change my banner layout
Change my main navigation style
Change the appearance of my site
Change the site branding
Change the site title
Check if I have broken links in my content
Check my writing against the Editorial Style Guide
Check the BU Brand Guidelines
Control the image and text Facebook and Twitter use for sharing
Create a collapsible
Create a list of child pages
Create a list of profiles
Create a marketing URL
Create a news category
Create a news post
Create a site map
Create a slideshow
Create a staging site
Create accessible content
Create landing pages
Edit links in the footer
Edit the excerpt
Edit the main navigation
Embed a list of courses
Embed a Twitter timeline
Embed content on one page into another
Find BU stock photography for my website
Get help with my website
Grant editing access to just one section of my site
Improve my SEO
Log into WordPress
Make a table responsive
Make a table sortable or searchable
Manage access to a static directory
Notify other BU websites my website has changed
Publish a Page
Redirect a URL
Request a new site
Restore a deleted page
Restore a previous page version
Restrict access to content
Save images for WordPress
Schedule publishing of posts or pages
See a demo of BU Banners
See a demo of BU Landing Pages
See a demo of Responsive Framework
See the latest version of the Responsive Foundation documentation
See what widgets are supported in this theme
Show news in the sidebar or footer
Show profiles by type (faculty, staff, etc)
Show several specific profiles
Use BU Calendar to manage events
Use Custom CSS
Use Google Analytics
Use Gravity Forms
Use the alternate footbar
Use the HTML editor
Use the News Page template
Use the News shortcode
Use the visual editor in WordPress
Write great alt text