Site Footer and Address

Editing the footer address

You can choose to put an address in the footer by going to Appearance > Customize and expanding the footer section. The address can be stored in the Additional Information box.

You’ll need to use the proper HTML tags for everything to work correctly. As you update this, please ensure your address follows the pattern below:

<strong>Boston University Interactive Design</strong>
985 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215

Editing the footer links

You might use your footer links to enter contact information. Here’s an example that uses valid HTML to show a telephone number and email address:


You can edit this menu by going to Appearance > Menu and selecting Footer Links from the drop-down menu.

Adding social links

No social links are added to your theme by default, but they will appear in the footer if you add them.

  1. Create a new menu by going to Appearance > Menus and clicking the “create a new menu” link.
  2. Assign this menu to the Social Links location.
  3. Add links to your social media services. Common services that are supported by default include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  4. Popular social media services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, will show using their icon automatically, instead of link text. See the example below.