Background Video
The Screen Options allow you to choose which dashboard metab...Recommendation: Background videoRecommendation: Background video should be short, focused on... should be short, focused on expressing an emotion or visual tone rather than information, and loop seamlessly.
Requirement: BU Banners requires that background video be hosted on a Vimeo Pro account or on MyMedia. Other platforms are not supported.
Background video is typically used in the banner area of a website, and provides tone, texture, and a sense of movement. Its purpose is to visually reinforce and support the foreground information, and should not contain audio or text-based information. Here are some best practices for background video:
- Keep looping background video under 30 seconds in length. A recommended standard is 10-15 seconds.
- Remove the audio channel from your video when exporting. This, in combination with the recommendation above, improves performance of the website by reducing the final file size of the video.
- Videos should loop seamlessly.
- Avoid excess movement, which disorients people with motion sensitivity. Film using tripods to avoid camera shake, and allow movement in the video to come from natural movement in the environment you’re filming, such as trees rustling from wind or a person walking by a building.
- Ensure that text over the video is readable at all times, with adequate contrastRecommendation: Contrast levels must be compliant with BU Mi.... This is easier to do when there are fewer camera angles introduced, so consider minimizing the amount of switching between camera angles and scenes while filming and editingTheĀ editor, also calledĀ content editor, is a critical read... video for background purposes.
- Do not create background video with text or other elements which are critical to understanding information. Use standard video, which allows for audio, for this purpose instead.